Are you looking for a way to cut back on the amount of sugary treats your family consumes?
Imagine how much healthier you’ll be and how much money you’ll save when you cut sugar out of your diet!
At Dr. DiStefano & Associates, we pride ourselves on being the experts not only in pediatric dentistry in Howell, Michigan, but also in overall family dentistry. We care about you and your family’s health!
Since sugar is such a huge part of our daily diets, it can be tough to figure out how to crack the addiction and cut back. We’ve gathered some tips to help you and your family get healthier this summer.
- Start small: According to the American Heart Association, cutting back on the amount of sugar that we eat and drink regularly can help you cut down on your sugar intake. Start putting less sugar in your coffee or tea, and also cut back on the table sugar that you use on foods.
- Swap out soda: Starting small is the key here, too! Cutting down on soda can be hard, so start by buying sugar-free versions of your favorite drinks as you work on cutting them out of your diet altogether.
- Cut back on serving sizes: Moderation is the key. When making treats like cookies or brownies for you and your family, start cutting back on the sugar in the recipe. Often, you won’t notice the difference if you cut back the sugar by one-third.
- Add fruit instead of sugar: When you would usually add sugar to something, like cereal or oatmeal, try adding fresh fruit or dried fruit instead for some added sweetness.
- Try non-nutritive sweeteners: According to the American Heart Association, “sweeteners such as aspartame, sucralose or saccharin in moderation may be a way to satisfy your sweet tooth without adding more calories to your diet.”
We know that cutting back on sugar, especially for kids, can be tough! However, getting sugar out of your diet can have great benefits on your overall health, and the health of your teeth! Less sugar means fewer cavities, longer lasting enamel, and lower risks of diabetes.
If you want more information about how to cut down on sugar and the health benefits of doing so, contact us today!
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