Are you doing everything you can to make sure that your teeth and gums are not only healthy, but aren’t irritated or inflamed?
Are you aware of any bad habits that could be compromising the overall health of your mouth and gums?
Don’t feel guilty – bad habits happen to all of us! We all have cheats and tricks to get out of chores we don’t like, and those can include issues with brushing, flossing and taking care of our teeth!
Catching these bad habits could be the thing standing in the way between you and a great dental exam.
Here are some common mistakes we see in our patients’ six month checkups:
- Getting carried away while brushing
- Whitening too much
- Grinding your teeth/clenching your jaw
- Trying to take care of aches and pains at home
Brushing your teeth correctly is always going to outweigh how much you brush your teeth. In fact, brushing too vigorously can actually mean you’re not doing a good job getting rid of germs and plaque! Slow down, take your time, and be gentle!
Teeth whitening can be addictive. You want a shiny, sparkly smile, and there are plenty of over-the-counter products to help you. Always talk to your dentist before you try a new product to find out what they recommend, and remember to only whiten your teeth once or twice per year! Whitening too often can inflame your gums and damage your enamel.
If you’re grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw, there are a variety of reasons why this can be detrimental to your health! If you’re doing it at night, grinding and clenching can be signs of stress, anxiety, or larger dental problems such as TMJ disorder. Talk to your dentist if you notice a sore jaw, or frequent headaches!
Most importantly, never try to tackle dental work at home. It can be tempting to use wives’ tales or internet advice to take care of a toothache, but this could lead to bigger problems. If you’re having trouble with your teeth or gums, call your dentist right away.
Many bad dental habits are caused by anxiety about seeing the dentist. We know it can be scary, and that’s why we work hard to make our practice a comfortable place, and use only gentle dental procedures and methods. To find out more, contact Dr. DiStefano & Associates today!