You may avoid dental emergencies if you regularly make
visits to the dentist. However, dental emergencies can still happen!
If you’re unsure whether the issue you’re having is
considered a dental emergency, always follow this rule of thumb: if it hurts …
consider it an emergency!
Typically, a knocked out tooth, a cracked tooth, a
broken jaw, an object stuck in the mouth or tooth, and toothaches are all dental
emergencies that require treatment as soon as possible.
As one of the premiere family
dentists in Howell, Michigan, Dr. DiStefano has
over 30 years’ experience caring for his patients’ health. He strives to
educate his patients and improve their lives through dental care and disease
Want to avoid a dental emergency? According to the
American Dental Association, here’s how:
- Brushing your teeth twice a day for
two minutes each with fluoride toothpaste.
- Flossing the correct way at least once
a day.
- Wear a mouth guard when participating
in sports or recreational activities.
- Avoid chewing ice, popcorn kernels and
hard candy, all of which can crack a tooth.
- Use scissors, NEVER your teeth, to cut
Have you had your checkup lately? Contact
the family dentists in Howell, Michigan today to schedule and get on
your way to better health!